Pro-Growth = Pro-Alabama

About: Alabama Works PAC

The Alabama Works Leadership PAC was created by Alabama House Minority Leader Anthony Daniels. This PAC supports candidates, policies, programs, and goals that embrace and advance a Pro-Growth policy agenda for the state and its people. We are committed to the core Pro-Growth principles, including an excellent educational system for children and students, high-paying jobs and career opportunities for workers, accessible, quality healthcare for all citizens, a strong and robust infrastructure and transportation system, and economic advancement for every county in Alabama.

This PAC recruits Pro-Growth candidates at all levels and develops campaign themes, strategies, proposals, and initiatives consistent with Pro-Growth principles. We organize dynamic individuals and professionals from volunteers to support staff to statewide candidates to compete successfully in legislative races. Our goal is to empower innovative and entrepreneurial leaders to build consensus and drive economic opportunity for all Alabamians.

Areas of Focus:

Incumbent Protection


Alabama Works PAC is focused on protecting all Democratic Incumbents and ensuring that each elected official has the support they need to run an effective and winning campaign.

Candidate Recruitment


It’s not enough to focus on preserving current Democratic seats. It is imperative that we work to build the Municipal to Legislature Pipeline to ensure that local leaders are prepared to step into the role of legislator and can effectively represent their districts.



It is necessary to maintain highly trained staff to carry out the day-to-day duties of the PAC and providing support to the Democratic Caucus members for their respective political campaigns.

“You don’t make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.”

– Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm

Get in Touch

To learn more about the Alabama Works PAC or to connect with staff please feel free to reach out to us.